Is crape myrtle the unofficial tree of Sacramento summer?

Crape myrtles brighten up summer gardens, but some people think they're messy. (Photo: Kathy Morrison)

In our City of Trees, crape myrtles dominate many July landscapes with their colorful clouds of bright flowers.
Heat has its benefits for these popular trees and shrubs. Temperatures over 90 degrees can kill (or at least slow down) powdery mildew, the most common problem with older varieties.
Crape myrtles bloom on new wood. Pruning off spent flower clusters can prompt a second wave of blooms in fall.
Not all Sacramentans love crape myrtles; the trees can be messy and grow very fast. But other gardeners adore these interesting plants.
What do you think? Show us your crape myrtles and we'll add them to our new Gallery of Gardens. Send photos via email to


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