This pruning class offers side benefit: Private sale

Nursery manager Taylor Lewis will lead the winter pruning class. (Photo
courtesy UC Davis Arboretum)

Learn and shop at the Arboretum Teaching Nursery

December is among the best months to prune many trees and shrubs, but how? 

Learn from experts -- then take some new plants home -- during the December "Learn & Shop" class offered by the UC Davis Arboretum.

Set for 10 a.m Tuesday, Dec. 11, "Winter Pruning Tips and Techniques" will cover the basics plus a lot more. Nursery manager Taylor Lewis will share his pointers on how to shape, train and maintain trees, shrubs and perennials including many California natives. 

He'll also answer gardening questions and offer suggestions on plant selection. As manager of the arboretum's huge nursery, he's personally familiar with growing thousands of different plant varieties.

After a 90-minute exclusive demonstration in the Arboretum Teaching Nursery and its gardens, the class gets a chance to shop the nursery in one last private sale before season's end. It's a great way to pick up some gifts for gardening friends, too.

Register in advance; seating is limited. Class cost including a reserved parking space in front of the nursery is $28 general; $22 for Friends of the Arboretum. Class only is $18 general, $12 Friends. Parking ($9) also is available in nearby campus visitor lots.

The Arboretum Teaching Nursery is on Garrod Drive on campus near the small-animal veterinary hospital. Details and to register: or

-- Debbie Arrington


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