Sherwood Demonstration Garden welcomes visitors to Open Garden Days
The Cottage Garden is one of 16 areas at the Sherwood Demonstration Garden in Placerville. (Photo courtesy UCCE Master Gardeners of El Dorado County)
Public can watch master gardeners in action; plant sale April 30
Attention, foothill gardeners: These events are for you!
The UC Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners of El Dorado County close out a busy April with four Open Garden Days plus a big plant sale.
Explore the Master Gardeners’ Sherwood Demonstration Garden, 6699 Campus Drive, Placerville. The garden will welcome visitors from 9 a.m to noon on two consecutive Fridays and Saturdays, April 22 and 23, and April 29 and 30. Admission is free.
“Master Gardeners work hard to maintain this beautiful garden,” say the organizers. “Feel free to stop by to see all of these wonderful plants and learn some new gardening techniques.”
Open Garden Day is just like it sounds; the gates are open to the public as the Master Gardeners tackle their assigned tasks. It’s a great opportunity to ask, “What are you doing?” and “Why?”
Located at the El Dorado Center of Folsom Lake College, the Sherwood Demonstration Garden features 16 themed gardens: All-Stars (water-wise flowering plants), butterfly, children’s, cottage, Japanese, marsh, Mediterranean, natives, orchard, ornamental grasses, perennial, rock, rose, shade, succulents and vegetables.
And takes some plants home, too! On Saturday, April 30, the Master Gardeners will hold a spring ornamental plant sale featuring trees, shrubs, grasses, succulents, native and perennial plants. Sale hours are 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Sherwood Demonstration Garden. Cash, checks, Visa or Mastercard preferred.
For a list of available plants, click here:
For directions and more details, visit
-- Debbie Arrington
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