We're moving! Starting Sept. 1, find us at CaliforniaLocal.com

Look for our new logo at CaliforniaLocal.com
starting Thursday.
New, more-stable site and newsletter to debut

starting Thursday.
After four-plus years as a blogspot.com blog, Sacramento Digs Gardening will shift Thursday to a growing news site: CaliforniaLocal.com.
California Local is an online news resource, with an emphasis on local. That's one big reason Sacramento Digs Gardening agreed to be a "Media Alliance" member. After all, all gardening is local.
Here's how the founders describe California Local: "We're your virtual home for daily local news, community resources and connections to the people and groups making a positive impact in your community. We provide a safe space for people to come together to learn more about their community and connect with others to make the community better."
California Local has a statewide view, as well as local alliances thus far in eight counties: Sacramento, El Dorado, Monterey, Nevada, Placer, San Benito, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz, plus the Truckee-Tahoe region. It's growing daily, and we're thrilled to be part of it. You can check out the Sacramento home page here: https://californialocal.com/localnews/sacramento/ca/about/
Our subscribers from the blogspot site are coming along with us: The newsletter subscriber list as it existed in July will receive the new version of our daily newsletter. And new subscribers will find an easy-to-read sign-up form on our site. As soon as we're live, there will be a link posted here.
Sacramento Digs Gardening's more than 1,500 posts -- back to June 1, 2018 -- will be accessible and searchable at California Local. Our Sunday recipes in particular will be easier to find. The popular weekly Garden Checklist will be visible on the right-hand side of each page, and we'll have easy-to-find links to our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter social media accounts. (Those will get more active down the line, too.)
More features are planned, but since fall planting season is beginning, we were eager to get the newsletter into circulation again. So we decided to go live now rather than wait any longer.
The blogspot site will remain up for a while as a resource, but will not have new content.
We want to thank California Local's Mike Gelbman, Chris Neklason, Eric Johnson and Sharan Street for all their help and encouragement in making this move possible.
Now, come grow with us!
Debbie Arrington and Kathy Morrison
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