We're posting new garden items over at CaliforniaLocal.com

Nothing beats zinnias for color in late summer. (Photo: Kathy Morrison)
This blog site will stay up for awhile

We've moved Sacramento Digs Gardening to a new, more stable site. We're still posting daily, with garden events, news and tips for the Sacramento region's many gardeners.
And our newsletter has returned! If you're not already a subscriber, sign up when you check out our new location: https://sacdigsgardening.californialocal.com/articles/ You'll see the latest Garden Checklist, plus easy links to our many garden-based recipes. We'll be adding events to the calendar as soon as we can type them up.
This blogspot.com site will stay up for awhile as we get accustomed to our new location, but new content will appear only at the California Local site.
Thanks for reading!
Debbie Arrington and Kathy Morrison
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